Friday, September 19, 2008

Leaving Tomorrow!

Well, tomorrow is the day! We'll be leaving to the Springfield Bible Conference at Faith Bible Church. The pastor is Curt Daniel. There's an article he wrote in one of the books I just recently got done with. He's also written a book over 500 pages on the theology and history of Calvinism and an book that's 900 pages about John Gill. And he's written more things.
He'll be preaching two messages Saturday.

Of course most of you probably know the other speaker....Paul Washer.
I remember pretty well the day I first watched a whole sermon by him. He's been a great influence in my life. He'll be speaking most of the time at the conference.

Sunday there will be a hour for a "Questions and Answers" session. All messages will be recorded and given away for free on CD or MP3. So, I hope to be able to post the messages up. They also have a book room. Them being a Reformed church I hope they will have some puritan works. I plan on bringing both of the cameras (picture and video). Maybe the hotel will have Wi-Fi so I can write updates while I'm there.
Please be praying that God will save someone there.


1 comment:

David Dittmer said...

I am jealous. I wish I would have been able to go, but my duties keep me tethered to Monroe City. Have fun!